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10 Reasons to Work at Plumb

1. Location:

Plumb has multiple office locations in California, including downtown La Jolla and Newport Beach.  The main headquarters is in La Jolla, only steps away from the famous La Jolla Cove.  With the expansion of office space outside of La Jolla, Plumb is able to conveniently work with clients throughout Southern California.

2. Plumb Approach:

Since 1996, Plumb’s growth and reputation has flourished as a direct result of our team’s capacity to address client needs and execute creative and effective solutions to a number of complex organizations.  Throughout the years, Plumb’s operational efficiencies not only lent itself to Plumb’s growth, but they have allowed Plumb to create a staffing structure for optimal pricing.

Plumb employees enjoy working on a number of different clients, in different industries, at any given time. This gives them more exposure to various tasks in accounting and increases their skillset.

The Plumb Structure for an Outsourced Accounting Client:

  • CFO
  • Controller
  • Senior Staff Accountant
  • Junior Staff Accountant
  • HR/Recruiting

3. Team Building Events:

To make the Plumb approach work effectively, Plumb gathers all employees, from all office locations, every quarter for company-wide updates.  At these meetings, each division shares some highlights, including new clients, staffing news, marketing activities, software certifications and charity involvement.

Plumb consists of three distinct divisions: Corporate Outsourced Accounting; Plumb Family Office Accounting and Bill Pay; and Sage Construction Certified Partner.

The best part about these team building meetings is that they are centered around a fun and competitive event.  Accountants and software consultants do NOT like to lose! Plus, Rob Scherer always grills up his famous prime steak sliders.

4. Plumb Clients:

Plumb provides accounting services and software solutions to a variety of companies, industries and high-net-worth families in Southern California and across the United States. With various divisions, serving startups to small and mid-market companies, there is not a “typical” client for Plumb.  Here is a list of some clients and case studies within each division at Plumb.

Outsourced Accounting:

Plumb Family Office Accounting:

Sage Construction Software:

5. COIs – Center of Influence:

Plumb works closely with our client’s center of influence (COI) or trusted advisors.  We believe that a collaborative implementation with all of our client’s COIs leverages their total expertise and gives everyone the backdrop to make better financial decisions and achieve business goals.

6. The Food:

Plumb may consist of a bunch of accountants and software consultants, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t all foodies at heart.  We love to eat! Thankfully, the kitchen is always stocked with snacks, desserts and more snacks.

Every month, Plumb hosts a New Employee Luncheon to introduce new team members and enjoy pizza or a local La Jolla catered meal.

In addition to the monthly luncheons, Plumb also hosts Quarterly Potlucks. This is an all-time favorite event at Plumb. Every quarter we come up with a new ‘theme’ to be added to the sign-up list. Plumb has employees from diverse backgrounds and it’s fun to try different food from different parts of the world.

7. Networking:

Since many Plumb clients are referred by COIs (see number 5), we believe in the power of networking. Plumb employees are members of organizations, such as ProVisors, BIA, ACG, CFMA, CalCPA and the list goes on.

In addition to attending networking events, Plumb also hosts “Lunch and Learns”, “Educational Workshops” and “Webinars”.

8. Parties:

The executive management team at Plumb likes to host parties!  Plumb hosts holiday parties, client appreciation parties, open house parties and parties to celebrate employees and divisions reaching goals.

9. Out-of-Town Conferences:

As a leading software partner for Sage Construction Software, Plumb sends software consultants to annual conferences to learn the updated features and latest requirements.

10. Employees:

Last, but not least, one of the top reasons to work at Plumb are the employees = Plumb!  We call ourselves Plumb, because, regardless of what division, or who our clients are, we work together as a team.  Our clients depend on our expertise, and appreciate the fact that we are an accounting team, consisting of CPAs, and Controllers who are knowledgeable in many industries.

Most importantly, we like to have fun!

Want to learn more about Plumb?  We are hiring.  See our job listings here. 

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